MsgPanel object This object is an alternative for the Messagbox. It gives the programmer the possibility to give the enduser Messages without blokking the application. It consists of a panel at the bottom of the form. Installation • Copy the files MSGPANEL.DCU and MSGPANEL.DCR to a library directory of your choice. • Choose from within the Delphi menu bar Options, Install components, Add and select the MSGPANEL.DCU file. Click OK and OK. • The component is now installed in the Specials panel. Use of the MsgPanel component While designing a form, just place the object on the form. By default it will be placed at the bottom. All normal Panel properties are valid. Additional Properties are • DoBeep Beeping on the message On or Off. • ColorTime The time in Milliseconds the panel has the specified color. • WarningTime The time in Milliseconds the message is visible. • WarningBGColor The chosen background color for the specified warning level. • WarningFGColor The chosen foreground color for the specified warning level. The format for Sending a message is Msgpanel1.warning(‘warning text’, warning level) where the warning text is any string (or string variable) and warning level is the chosen level for the color schema (0,1 or 2) Registration Registered users receive a copy of the source. Registration fee is $5. Registered users will receive updated versions when available. Suggestions and comments on this object are always welcome !!!!! Sjef van der Velde Vriendschapslaan 10 6544 AM Nijmegen The Netherlands, CompuServe 101651,2176